November 02, 2010

prenez-moi à Paris ...

Don't know why..these latest days, i feel obsessed by Eiffel tower. Hm, whereas i'm never sooo interested in it like this before.

Well, eiffel tower is one of a famous monument in the world..located in Champ de Mars, Paris, France, which--people said--is a very-superb-ultra Romantic city. Everyone (could be) falling in love in Paris. :) Hmmm...

Eiffel tower was designed by Gustave Eiffel as a monument entrance of 1889 World Fair. But then it become a global icon of France. Eiffel Tower is also called La dame de fer..meant the iron lady. --and this lady is the tallest building in Paris. It's visited by millions people from around the world.

According to the first sentence..why did i say that i am obsessed? --Maybe it's a subconscious obsession. i mean, i never mind to do that.-- cz, i found that i have 4 eiffel tower miniature.
 one of my DIY-thing

 a keychain..i hang it on my camera bag..
i got it from my aunt.. it's my first eiffel..

 "eiffel in the water"
a pen holder... used to be my sister's..

 the newest one..a necklace pendant..i bought it this morning..
from Semoet Ketjil accessories brand.. (what a cute brand!!! ;p )

hmmm...i think i have to visit the real Eiffel..
Well then, i'll list it in my must-visited place/city before i die. *FYI, the first city in my list is LONDON... :)

Yup..yup...wish my dream will be come true..

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1 comment:

  1. Amin amin amin...

    Thank you, mbak eksiii... :)
    Semoga mbak eksi juga bisa "meraih" London..

    London we come..!!
