November 01, 2010

(don't) judge a book by its cover...

Don't judge a book by its cover..
Yup that's true. I agree with that quote. Lets talk about the real book. often frequency..a look-so-ordinary-(or-terrible) book has an oh-so-inspiring-and-amazing story.
I love buying books in the flea market..and i usually find the kind books i mentioned before. And i feel like finding a treasure when i successfully grab the book...old book..that i've looked for.. And more terrible it looks, more vintage it is, more satisfy-feeling i'll get. :)
but i usually know what the story inside it, then i start to looking for it..

But it will be a different case if we buy a book in the bookstore..which they always pack the books inside a plastic wrap. And we usually cannot tear the wrap.. (except you wanna get a "greet" from the shopkeeper..huahaha).
This is time we know about FIRST IMPRESSIVE. Realizing it or not, meant to do it or not, we choose a book by the casing...the cover...*and the synopsis in the back of the book. (in the condition: we don't know the book..the story etc)
The good-looking books make us (me!) interested to grab it...and sometimes (or often) do gambling and buy it.

If it's great, sooo thank God!
If it's bad, hmmphh....lets do gambling again. Hahaha..

So that's the analogy.. A great first impressive is the one and only way to make other people--who meet you for the first time-- interested to know you deeper. And it's ok if you do and rely your first impression of someone to decide if you wanna know him/her deeper or not.

And after you get the good impressive, then that is time for "inner beauty and brain" to be in action.

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