November 29, 2011

Quali(ty) Time

Ah..sudah lama saya gak ngumpul jalan makan blanja sama para sahabat (yang sama gilanya dengan saya). Akhirnya tadi sore terwujud juga, yaaa walopun nggak lengkap--cuma berempat sama Alin, Icha, Astri--tp seru. Sebenernya nggak cuma makan doang acara kita. Sore tadi diawali dengan 'liat-liat' sepatu di Centro, makan di Quali, dilanjutkan dengan nonton Sang Penari (minus Icha, si oknum ngacir pulang duluan) dan diakhiri dengan kegiatan wajib kita....ngrumpi sepanjang jalan pulang. Ah, wanita.. :p

Tapi saya hanya sempat jepret2 dikit pas makan, secyaraaaa di Centro sibuk liat sepatu dan di bioskop gak boleh keluarin kamera (iyalah!).

Ini dia poto2 acara makan kitaaah...

"come see and hear the music of live cooking"

ekspresi para rumpi-ers. Icha, Alin, Astri. :p

Icha's Penang Kwetiaw. look at the chili.. ewwhhh..

My---saya pesen apa tadi? klo gak salah--Mie Goreng Seafood Lada Hitam

Masakan Quali --- thumbs up! Kwetiaw dan mie-nya nyam nyam... *secara saya gak pernah pesen yang lain klo makan di sana* Suka!

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October 09, 2011

the 140 characters

twitter.140 characters that shows who you are. you can do and be anything you want.
being a scoffer? 
being a (smart..or dumb) clown? 
saying and sharing smart opinions? 
telling your (all) daily life..what you do..where you r..blah blah blah...

just don't be too sensitive.

don't like someone? unfollow his/her account.. 
personal problem? finish it outside the timeline..

..or you will be a spectacle for everyone. 
twitwar and discussion forum r two different things, understand?
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October 07, 2011

ready for your next step, friends?

i'd been invited by Astriana Hardanti to attend her (and Irfan, Luky, mas Odon) TD seminar (or presentation or..whatever it's called..) on Oct 3rd. FYI, TD (Transformasi Desain) is the step after we all -- UGM architecture program student -- write the thesis (we call it "skripsi"). Then after TD we hv to do PD (Pengembangan Desain). In TD seminar we would be examined by 3 lecturers -- it's so thriling y'know... And relieving when it's over... :p

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September 19, 2011

narcis in acute

cousins of the Soebroto.
ki-ka: me, Titis, mbak Ima, mbak Indri, Acie, Antik. <3

Photo Taken by Oom Puguh using my EOS 1000D
Location: Umbul Sewu, Pengging, Boyolali
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September 14, 2011

girls night out ^^

good moooorning...

seems i'll face a busy-enough day, i hv a long to do list.. and before i live my day, let's do a fun thing to keep me sane. ;) i'll do a flashback first. -----

yesterday, it's a very boring day. home alone. don't know what to do. and i thought i would hv a boring night too, but suddenly Dinda asked me to join hanging out with Riris, and Nike at Kalimilk. of course i said "YES!". ;) -- then i asked Eva to come with us..and she said YES too. yeaaay! A girls night out!

and here we are...

Riris. The founder (?). She should treat us, right? Hahahahaha.

Nike. The BB girl. You're so adorably funny, Nik! :p

Dinda. mmmm, --no comment. ;)

Eva. Who hv a better candid photo than on purpose photo. ^.^
All of us. :) 

It's a great night, gals. Let's do it again. \^.^/


P.s.: I'm the photographer so it means i'm the person who hv least captured of all. -.-"
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September 05, 2011

the Chantique'rs

2months together. more than bestfriends. fit each other. really love y'all.  always miss y'all.
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August 23, 2011

the best KKN ever

whoaaah, kaget juga pas sadar klo aku skip posting sejak 1,5 bulan yang lalu. Maklum lah, aku baru menjalani 2 purnama *tsaaaaah* di desa Segorogunung dalam rangka KKN. Then, let me tell a short story 'bout my KKN.

4 Juli, aku dan 23 teman unitku berangkat ke desa Segorogunung, desa yang bahkan tak pernah sedikitpun namanya terbersit dalam ingatanku.. *mengingat kembali sejak kapan aku jadi menggunakan pemilihan kata yang puitis sok idih macam ni*. Di sana kita dibagi menjadi 4 sub unit dengan masing-masing 6 mahasiswa sebagai anggota. 1 sub unit mendiami 1 pondokan, di mana akan kita tinggali selama more or less 8 minggu.

Desa Segorogunung sendiri terletak di lereng gunung Lawu, Kabupaten Karanganyar, yang dinginnya naudzubillah. Kita smua menggigil dan menghindari sakit dengan cara jarang mandi.. *nice excuse* Rapet pet pet deh baju yang kita bawa dan pakai di sana. Udara di sana sejuk dan masih bersih...segeeeer! Tapi bikin kulit jadi kering *lip balm dan lotion beraksi!*. 

Selebihnya...kita bersenang-senang di sana. Menjalani kegiatan, program dan kewajiban dengan enjoy...ya kalau bener2 berat...berusaha di-enjoy-enjoy-kan lah yaaa... :)

Pra KKN: muka-muka anak kota yang mau hijrah ke desa

di Kebun Teh. Full Team.

Malem tirakatan. Andri as Penanggung Jawab. Me as Sekretaris. 
Lomba Pendidikan tingkat SD. 17-an. Merdekaaaa!

With my girls. Sub Unit Chantique in Independence Day dress code.
Ki-Ka: Me, Riris, Sarah, Saras, Eva, Dinda

Me: "ayo adek adek....gambar yang bagus ya....warnanya yang berani... :)"

Last Day :(
See you soon, Segorogunung... :')

Sub Unit Chantique dalam Jaket Almamater UGM. :)

Sub Unit Chantique dan Pria-pria Pondokan Terdekat. ;)
Ki-Ka: Damar, Andri, Irfan, Eky, Dayat, Noviar

Bersama Simbah Kakung dan Simbah Putri....
Kangeeeeen... :'(

Semoga bisa kembali berkunjung dan main main mampir ke Segorogunung secepatnya...

Ukie Puspita
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July 02, 2011

my first award

oh..yeah..honestly i don't know the mechanism of this "blog-award". THIS IS MY FIRST ONE!

i got it from Chici ...

So, thank you..thank you very much.
Although i don't know what to do with this award, i'll accept it if someone give another award to me. Hahaha..
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May 09, 2011

Selamat Ulang Tahun, Bapak....

9 Mei 2011...
Me and the most lovable man in the Dad.. :)
Selamat ulang tahun, Bapak...
Ingin rasanya mengucapkan itu secara langsung, sambil memeluk dan mencium bapak...seperti biasanya. Tapi maaf, Pak..dek Ukie nggak bisa pulang sekarang..nggak bisa di rumah..di samping bapak. Sungguh dek Ukie ingin di sana sekarang..

Dek Ukie cuma bisa berdoa supaya bapak diberi umur yang panjang sama Allah, sehat selalu dan selalu dilindungi oleh-Nya...biar bapak bisa liat dek Ukie nantinya kalau udah lulus...jadi arsitek, atau desainer interior...atau apapun nantinya... Dek Ukie pengen bikin Bapak (dan Mamah) bangga.

Terima kasih karena bapak sudah ngajarin banyak ke Dek Ukie. Ngajarin untuk tidak gampang menyerah, ngajarin apa itu tanggung jawab, bagaimana cara menjaga kepercayaan, bagaimana cara menerima, dan bagaimana cara jadi orang yang sabar dan tidak gampang marah.

Sekali lagi...selamat ulang tahun, Bapak. Dek Ukie sayang sekali sama Bapak. :')

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starting my day...lately...


and the story was begun....

plan is just a plan when we don't make it. Aha! It's sooooo me.... A person with a lot of planning...and a lil motivation to make it. *i used to be more severe..hahaha. :D 

i planned to go to Mandiri Bank at 9am then met Mrs. Medy at 11am. And went to library to search some literature for my internship report.

In reality.......i went from my house at 11.30am. And wait for Mrs Medy till................................02:30pm.. Oh my! *i was going to Bank in my waiting-time* Gaaaaaaaaahhhhh! -.-"

In Mrs Medy room...i waited AGAIN to get my report consultation for...ehm....30 minutes. Hoaaahmm... And long waiting time was paid by 15 minutes consultation... Bravoooo!!!!

After other bla..bla..bla.... i went out from her room at 04:30pm. Driving to my home, i had to face a traffic jam...*and a d^mn low speed Vio^....

The weird thing was......i didn't feel bored, or sick when i was waited cause i was in a good mood. But as soon as i reached my house, OH MY GOD.....I WAS SOOOO EXHAUSTED!!!

Yeah, another lesson --> DO YOUR PLAN SERIOUSLY..if you don't...maybe you'll feel exited in the beginning, buuuuuut...YOU'LL FEEL EXHAUSTED IN THE END...and for me...EXHAUSTED meaning CAN'T SLEEP EASILY..

weird, huh?

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May 08, 2011


who did "florist" refer to?
it referred to.....ME as the florist boss! (--> Agam said) ;) and all of my friends in KKN Segorogunung 2011. Ahaaaaiiii.. 

We are seeking for additional funds for our KKN project. From selling beverages (Thifa's Jelly Ball Ice), planning a garage sale (on process) and selling jacket, t-shirts etc (Andri's idea). And now which is still running is ......selling roses. *proudly present...--as i've written above--i'm the coordinator*

My jobdesk is:
  • Arranging the selling schedule
  • Ordering roses to resale in the following day
  • Confirming today schedule
  • Recording the velocity of money
I love being amateur florist, beside i love knowing the profit *100%...don't ask me the nominal ;)*, i really reaaaaaaaaally love flowers. And the ordering rose directly in the kiosk is always fun! <3

white roses, red roses, pink roses, and cute orchid *.*

it's....uuum....daisy, right?

A lot of daisies... Not fragrant but beautiful <3

I'm not sure...but i think it's lily. :)

I've been scheduled to selling roses in Saturday aftenoon (actually) but on previous Saturday we started at 1pm cause we didn't want to get the rain. And this is me in action! >.<

Yeaaaah...keep smiling...keep smiling cause i think when we sell something beautiful, we have to sell it beautifully--and beautiful smile is a must! 

With smile,
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May 06, 2011


ketika ayah saya dijatuhkan oleh orang yang ia percaya, ini saatnya saya yang mengangkat ayah saya...

saya percaya ini bukan sebuah kesialan...ini adalah cara Tuhan agar saya lebih bertanggung jawab...

love you always, Dad... :*
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February 25, 2011

weird photosession...

this photosession happened in my room...and...~~~~
hmmmphh...seems there's no more words to say.... 


this is it....

i'm speechless....

well, thanks to ASTRI, ALIN, TIFA, MAYANG who had hacked my room...
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when my period comes..beside i feel pain because of my stomach cramps..i feel so lucky, cz i could paint my nail..

my fave: Oriflame Vision V* Fast N Furious Nails - Break Dancer

when liquids are still in the bottle, the color is so bold. 
but when i paint it into my nail,'s so pretty-yet-classy..

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February 24, 2011

Jogja TiongHoa Festival 2011

on Thursday afternoon.. Feb 17th 2011 .. Alin sent me a message.. persuading me to go to TiongHoa Festival in Ketandan, Malioboro...

I was soooo i haven't ever gone to TiongHoa Festival before. *ke maneeee aja lu...*
Soooo, we departed from home at 7pm.. (we = me + edi )..and picked Alin, Lala, Mayang, and Tifa in Tifa's boarding house. After we reached Ketandan, we met Astri. 

And the journey began... *halaaah*

First. We came into photo and women traditional exhibition...  

Then we got baked sausages for snack.. 

This is me and the-one-and-only man in our group...

Mr. Kerak Telor...All of us were interested with how he cooked the egg... *look at the frypan*

 And this is mr. Kerak Telor with his dinner.. Bakpaaaaoooooo!!!!!

Our night was closed by fireworks.... sooo beautiful.. *unfortunately, i didn't get the photo*
Yeaaay yeaaay.... GONG XI FAT CHAIIIIIII!!!!!!!

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February 16, 2011


Aku benar-benar benci angka-angka itu. 
Yang menunjukkan bahwa kau harus pulang ke rumahmu.

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February 13, 2011

saturday morning..

Haaah..sudah lama nggak main Scrabble. Nggak nyangka juga nemu ginian di bufet ruang TiVi.... 

*sebenernya iseng buka lemari...skalian rapiin area meja gambar..masuk2in spon ati ke bufet biar nggak jadi sarang tikus eh, malah nemu scrabble di lemari...*

Dan sembari nunggu teknisi Speedy yang mau benerin koneksi di rumah..aku ma si tukang tidur maen Scrabble SAMPE SEMUA HURUFNYA HABIS!!! Keren kan? *secara kagak pernah maen Scrabble sampe tuntas..*

What a lazy Saturday morning...!


Mmmm...but i have to be ready to face the reality on Monday...


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January 11, 2011


sometimes when we feel that we can't reach the finish line, we need to stop...
making a new plan..
to do a new start..

for me..
it's OK to ask for a second chance....when necessary..
and use it maximally..
cause asking for the third times is an impudent behavior..

work harder..
pray more..
and be grateful..

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