January 11, 2011


sometimes when we feel that we can't reach the finish line, we need to stop...
making a new plan..
to do a new start..

for me..
it's OK to ask for a second chance....when necessary..
and use it maximally..
cause asking for the third times is an impudent behavior..

work harder..
pray more..
and be grateful..

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dance of couple...

he loves doing it...
take my hand, put it on his back...
and hold the other one...

we dance together...
just in our t shirt and jeans...
bare feet...
in the living room...
in my bedroom...
even on the sidewalk...

i love it...
the way he moves me...
rotate me...
hug me...

te quiero, mi querido..

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January 08, 2011

feliz cumpleanos, mi amigos....

Happy birthday to Astriana Hardanti...
Happy birthday to Aisyah Zakiah...
Happy birthday to Latifah Nur Muslimah...

Happy birthday to you all...my besties,,

Hmmm,.....but they are tricky..they celebrated their birthday in joint venture (patungan.red) @ sushi kawaii. So, 9 of us went there on Thursday December 30th 2010. That was the first time for me to go to SuKa.

I like it! The dish(es) are delicious enough. Not too expensive. Yeaaah..worth it laaah...!
And SuKa instantaneously became one of my favourite place to have a meal. :)

the birthday girls.. have a blast, galsss!!! *ki-ka: Astri, Yayah, Tifa

Mbakyu Hapsari

Mami Lani *eh? Lani?

De' Maiyang

Anakku Jihana
Si benceees, Adinda

Meeee.... :)

Nine of Us..

We always have such a great moment if nine of us spend time together...
Love you, all...

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i miss my Rea...

Aku kecurian...
LG LCD PC monitor..
Sony Cyber-shot digital pocket camera
Canon Ixus digital pocket camera

NIKON D3000 DSLR camera...my Rea had been stolen!!!!

saking lemesnya yang ada malah bingung...
marah...IYA BANGET!!!!

dari sumpah serapah...sampe doa2 buat si pencuri yang mulia udah aku lontarin...

semoga anak istrinya nggak dapet imbas karena dikasih makan uang haram...
semoga kehilanagn ini bisa mengundang rezeki yang lebih banyak untuk diriku, keluarga dan orang sekelilingku...

Rea, i miss you..
smoga orang yang megang kamu sekarang, ngrawat dan sayang sama kamu..

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