October 09, 2011

the 140 characters

twitter.140 characters that shows who you are. you can do and be anything you want.
being a scoffer? 
being a (smart..or dumb) clown? 
saying and sharing smart opinions? 
telling your (all) daily life..what you do..where you r..blah blah blah...

just don't be too sensitive.

don't like someone? unfollow his/her account.. 
personal problem? finish it outside the timeline..

..or you will be a spectacle for everyone. 
twitwar and discussion forum r two different things, understand?
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October 07, 2011

ready for your next step, friends?

i'd been invited by Astriana Hardanti to attend her (and Irfan, Luky, mas Odon) TD seminar (or presentation or..whatever it's called..) on Oct 3rd. FYI, TD (Transformasi Desain) is the step after we all -- UGM architecture program student -- write the thesis (we call it "skripsi"). Then after TD we hv to do PD (Pengembangan Desain). In TD seminar we would be examined by 3 lecturers -- it's so thriling y'know... And relieving when it's over... :p

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