May 09, 2011

Selamat Ulang Tahun, Bapak....

9 Mei 2011...
Me and the most lovable man in the Dad.. :)
Selamat ulang tahun, Bapak...
Ingin rasanya mengucapkan itu secara langsung, sambil memeluk dan mencium bapak...seperti biasanya. Tapi maaf, Pak..dek Ukie nggak bisa pulang sekarang..nggak bisa di rumah..di samping bapak. Sungguh dek Ukie ingin di sana sekarang..

Dek Ukie cuma bisa berdoa supaya bapak diberi umur yang panjang sama Allah, sehat selalu dan selalu dilindungi oleh-Nya...biar bapak bisa liat dek Ukie nantinya kalau udah lulus...jadi arsitek, atau desainer interior...atau apapun nantinya... Dek Ukie pengen bikin Bapak (dan Mamah) bangga.

Terima kasih karena bapak sudah ngajarin banyak ke Dek Ukie. Ngajarin untuk tidak gampang menyerah, ngajarin apa itu tanggung jawab, bagaimana cara menjaga kepercayaan, bagaimana cara menerima, dan bagaimana cara jadi orang yang sabar dan tidak gampang marah.

Sekali lagi...selamat ulang tahun, Bapak. Dek Ukie sayang sekali sama Bapak. :')

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starting my day...lately...


and the story was begun....

plan is just a plan when we don't make it. Aha! It's sooooo me.... A person with a lot of planning...and a lil motivation to make it. *i used to be more severe..hahaha. :D 

i planned to go to Mandiri Bank at 9am then met Mrs. Medy at 11am. And went to library to search some literature for my internship report.

In reality.......i went from my house at 11.30am. And wait for Mrs Medy till................................02:30pm.. Oh my! *i was going to Bank in my waiting-time* Gaaaaaaaaahhhhh! -.-"

In Mrs Medy room...i waited AGAIN to get my report consultation for...ehm....30 minutes. Hoaaahmm... And long waiting time was paid by 15 minutes consultation... Bravoooo!!!!

After other bla..bla..bla.... i went out from her room at 04:30pm. Driving to my home, i had to face a traffic jam...*and a d^mn low speed Vio^....

The weird thing was......i didn't feel bored, or sick when i was waited cause i was in a good mood. But as soon as i reached my house, OH MY GOD.....I WAS SOOOO EXHAUSTED!!!

Yeah, another lesson --> DO YOUR PLAN SERIOUSLY..if you don't...maybe you'll feel exited in the beginning, buuuuuut...YOU'LL FEEL EXHAUSTED IN THE END...and for me...EXHAUSTED meaning CAN'T SLEEP EASILY..

weird, huh?

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May 08, 2011


who did "florist" refer to?
it referred to.....ME as the florist boss! (--> Agam said) ;) and all of my friends in KKN Segorogunung 2011. Ahaaaaiiii.. 

We are seeking for additional funds for our KKN project. From selling beverages (Thifa's Jelly Ball Ice), planning a garage sale (on process) and selling jacket, t-shirts etc (Andri's idea). And now which is still running is ......selling roses. *proudly present...--as i've written above--i'm the coordinator*

My jobdesk is:
  • Arranging the selling schedule
  • Ordering roses to resale in the following day
  • Confirming today schedule
  • Recording the velocity of money
I love being amateur florist, beside i love knowing the profit *100%...don't ask me the nominal ;)*, i really reaaaaaaaaally love flowers. And the ordering rose directly in the kiosk is always fun! <3

white roses, red roses, pink roses, and cute orchid *.*

it's....uuum....daisy, right?

A lot of daisies... Not fragrant but beautiful <3

I'm not sure...but i think it's lily. :)

I've been scheduled to selling roses in Saturday aftenoon (actually) but on previous Saturday we started at 1pm cause we didn't want to get the rain. And this is me in action! >.<

Yeaaaah...keep smiling...keep smiling cause i think when we sell something beautiful, we have to sell it beautifully--and beautiful smile is a must! 

With smile,
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May 06, 2011


ketika ayah saya dijatuhkan oleh orang yang ia percaya, ini saatnya saya yang mengangkat ayah saya...

saya percaya ini bukan sebuah kesialan...ini adalah cara Tuhan agar saya lebih bertanggung jawab...

love you always, Dad... :*
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