October 30, 2010

Hujan Abu Semalam...

semalem aku memutuskan untuk tidur jam 11 malem. trus bangun jam 3 buat ngerjain tugas.
bgitu alarm bunyi. aku ngumpulin nyawa yang berserakan sambil buka acc twitter.

waiiit..kok pada hebod hujan abu ni apa yaaa...

buka korden dan......

wah..ra bener ki..

*Jawanya keluar...hahaha..

ternyata jam 00:40 ada hujan abu...Merapinya batuk2..
haissh...untung cuma hujan abu..lha klo sambil bawa krikil..wedhus gembel...sapi hamil..kebo bule... *lho?

Alhamdulillah...cz, tumben2nya aku tidur jam sgitu..nggak ngebayangin klo lebih parah dan aku dlm keadaan tertidur pulas.
Naudzubillah min dzalik.

Ahahaiii...kayak di silent hill..

Hmm... semoga kita dilindungi..smoga Merapinya cepet sembuh.. :)
Tapi Merapi tu kayak Jendrealnya gunung2 di Indonesia..ya masa' sejak Merapi statusnya Awas, ada 18 gunung Waspada dan 2 yang Siaga.

So, Lets pray for Indonesia. :)

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October 25, 2010

Happy Birthday, MauLaLa...

today is Lala's birthday. She's one of my best friend. One of my "mesum" best friend. Jiahahahaha..
We celebrated it at Rumah Pohon Mas Dewo.. *it's a pity that mas Dewo was not at home.. (?)

And you know....gathering is a big no no without photo session... hahahaha..
These are the picts.. :)
Lala..the birthday girl.. and Alin




Seven of us...thanks (again) for Faisal who captured this pict.
Ki Ka : Lala, Mayang, Alin, Icha, Dinda, Meeee, and Yayah
-Tifa and Astri should be here, :(


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paper crane..

gini niiiiih...klo malem2 males ngapa2in...tugas laen udah kelar..tapi msi blom niat buat studioan..

paper crane..bird origami...smp skrg msi bangga sama diri sendiri karena bisa bikin ginian...
cz jarang2 ada orang yang bisa..ahahaiii..

ada orang yang bilang...klo bikin 1000 origami burung , keinginannya akan tercapai. Tapi menurutku itu lebih ke pesan tersiratnya...
Coba pikir, klo sampai ada orang yang mau dan mampu bikin 1000 origami, brarti orang itu punya motivasi yang besar...motivasi yang menurutku lebih dari cukup untuk mencapai keinginannya...
Dan daripada "membuang waktu" untuk lipet lipet kertas, mendingan gunain waktu untuk sesuatu yang lebih realistis kan?

*yaaaaak, Luky Puspitasari mulai criwis nggak jelaaas

yuuup..sudah sudah..mari kita sikat gigi..trus cuci muka..
klo msi belom ngantuk ya ngadep PC lagi...


ummm, kliatannya hari ini akan jadi hari senin yang bersahabat..
semoga. ;)


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Halo - by Beyonce

Remember those walls I built
Well, baby they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make up a sound

I found a way to let you in
But I never really had a doubt
Standing in the light of your halo
I got my angel now

It's like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
It's the risk that I'm takin'
I ain't never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light

I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again

Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

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October 22, 2010

take and give a 'lil push...

Lately, seems i always try to control everything...especially for assignment--in group assignment indeed--i didn't try to be a leader actually, just wanna see everything run correctly (cz it's impossible to do it PERFECTLY.. ;p )

My first thought that always pops when my groups look so 'adem ayem' is someone have to give a lil push....or the assignment will be neglected.

And the question is, who is the one? :)

In our group, we do it alternately...sometime i do, some time Lala does...or Dinda or Tifa or someone else.
Fortunately, all of us ('us' refers to my friends are who often in a group with me...my best friends, partner in everything...) don't have a bossy personality. --geez, it's so 'not-very' (nggak banget, maksudnya) to be in group with someone bossy. ..im sure that you all know how it feels :p

Well then, last but not least, keep doing a teamwork if you need it, don't be selfish, don't be bossy, and if it necessary..be the first-mover. :)

hmm..so...see ya..

Tomorrow i have to do 3 group-assignments with 3 different group.
Hope my body will be strong enough.--i'm not in my best condition...i've caught a cold.. :(
And get well soon for Astri who's still hospitalized since this morning couse of DBD... :(

Buenos noches.


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October 21, 2010

moodbooster of mine..

Suddenly wanna make a post bout my sisters. FYI, im the youngest (3rd) daughter of Mr n Mrs. Wahyudi Pontjo Nugroho. I have two elder sisters -- Tya and Aya. 

Hmmm...they are my best moodbooster. :) ...

ki-ka: Laras Prabaningtyas (mbak Aya) , Listya Parasmita (mbak Tia)

Three is a puurrfeecttt crowd... :)

Hey, you both....pray for your cute-yet-awesome lil sister's thesis..


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October 20, 2010

enjoy your problem...

Ada orang yang pernah bilang klo aku tidak punya masalah dalam hidup.

That's imposs.. Mana mungkin ada seseorang yang tidak memiliki masalah. Sekecil apapun masalah itu, pasti ada.

Mungkin lebih tepatnya aku TAMPAK tidak memiliki masalah. Karena aku lebih memilih untuk "berdamai" dengannya (dengan mereka--masalah itu--). Menurutku, jika kita berdamai, maka mereka akan bersikap baik dan tidak menyusahkan (a.k.a lebih mudah diselesaikan)

Ada orang yang menganggap nggak punya pacar, pasangan, dll adalah masalah...hell, yeah..itu juga masalah buatku..tapi bukan masalah besar. Just try to look at different point of view, klo aku nggak punya pacar, aku bakal lebih konsen ke skripsi, laporan KP dan kuliahku. Tapi bukan berarti aku juga akan menolak klo ada seseorang yang "datang" dan "menawarkan". Mungkin bersamanya (siapapun itu) aku akan lebih bersemangat. ----- Tapi, berpijak dari my last love story, keadaan skrg lebih membuatku nyaman. ------ Yaaaa, tapi gue nggak segitu traumanya juga...skrg sambil ngerjain skripsi..sambil hunting juga..(dan lebih enak klo huntingnya bareng2 temen yg senasib...*lho? kok rombongan..? ;p )

Dan sebagai pengalih perhatian dari urusan percintaan yang menye2...aku menyibukkan diri ke:
  • Kuliah. Studio yang paling menyita perhatian. Project 'bout Wayfinding. Kosakata baru dalam kamus arsitekturku. Agak meraba-raba pada awalnya. Tapi setelah tadi siang biz asistensi sama bu Wiendu, akhirnya aku mendapat banyak pencerahan. Thanks, Ma'am... Ya slaen itu masih ada mata kuliah lain yang seolah-olah rebutan ngsi tugas. Alhamdulillah, nggak ada yang "bablas". Walopun harus dibantu dgn ganjel espresso atau kapal api..hehe.
  • Pra TA a.k.a Skripsi. Agak percaya-nggak percaya udah ngambil skripsi (lebih karena nggak mau dianggep angkatan tuaaaa...hahaha). Tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Hadjaaaar. Fungsi, fix. Judul, fix. Site, fix. Sedang mengumpulkan niat untuk menulis. --rencana sih malem ini..doain biar nggak teler duluan. :)
  • Laporan KP. Alhamdulillah KP udah slesai. Tapi skrg laporannya yang menghantuiku. Dan laporan ini bener2 "out of my reach". Tidak memiliki niatan untuk menyentuh. Hmmm..mungkin aku butuh sedikit dorongan. :)
P.s: dosen pembimbing PraTA dan KP-ku sama. Aku mulai berpikir klo kita adalah soulmate.. :) Ya, nggak bu Medy?

Dan sekarang aku punya mainan baru..ya cukuplah untuk menghibur... my Rea. Nikon  D3000. Belom expert blass... (malah dengan teganya si Pramatya Arlidiawan kucluk itu bilang "msi bagus jepretan kamera dijitalku" Aseeem koweeee, Praaam!)
Makanya aku obses bgt buat belajar. Udah dibeliin mahal-mahal kok nggak dimaksimalin. Thx, Mom Dad.. :)

Dan kembali ke paragraf awal...moto hidupku--seperti yang tertulis di skripsinya mbak Tia

Tersenyumlah pada dunia, kalau kau ingin dunia tersenyum padamu. :)

Dan seperti kata Aghnia Chasya
  life's too short to think about problems.

so...mari kita nikmati hidup ini. Masalah itu bukan untuk ditangisi..tapi untuk menjadikan kita lebih dewasa.

And enjoy your problem..karena jika kita dalam keadaan senang dan menikmati sesuatu, maka sesuatu itu akan (terasa) cepat berlalu..isn't it?

Yaaaak, sudah dulu untuk kali ini. Time to take a bath.

See ya..

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October 15, 2010


Fullerton Hotel, Marina Bay, Singapore.Jum’at, 20:00 Waktu Singapore.
“I pick...Fresh Crab Cravioli. Lo pesen apa, Shan?”
“One Lobster Bisque, please.”
“Please wait for 15 minutes.”
Si lelaki, Erlangga Pradhiksta Soeyoto, mengangguk sambil lalu kepada si waiterss tanpa mengubah posisi duduk santai, mempertegas kenyamanan dan keterbiasaannya berada di tempat mewah tersebut.
“Geez, lo tuh ya, bisa nggak sih, nggak spontan. Ngagetin gue aja. Nongol di depan pintu apartemen gue. Ngasih kabar dulu bisa kan?” katanya pada si perempuan.
Gadis itu, Shanelya Nareshwari Wiharja, tersenyum manis.
“Ya emangnya kalo gue ngabarin dulu, lo bisa jemput. Hm? Nggak kan? Lagipu--.....”
Dzzzttt... Ucapannya terinterupsi oleh getaran iPhone4 dari dalam handbagnya.

1 new update.
HaidarRahendro Having a wonderful night w/ @AnggaRAhendro and @IsandraRahendro. Geez, Bali night life is unbeatable! And the girls make it perfect!

Elang—nama panggilan Erlangga—tertawa, “Hahaha...seenggaknya gue nggak tega kayak gebetan lo tersayang—si Idar, lo baru balik dari Makassar, bela-belain demi melampiaskan kangen lo, dia malah cabut ke Bali.”
“Shut up your mouth, Pradhiksta! Dia bukan gebetan gue! Dan gue nggak kangen sama dia.” hardik Shanel.

Ku de Ta, Seminyak, Kuta, Bali. 23:00 WITA.
Musik yang menggelagar dari piringan sang DJ membuat semua orang mulai larut dalam ketidaksadaran yang dipicu oleh martini mereka.
Kecuali satu,Haidar Ilyastara Rahendro. Mata, hati dan pikirannya terkonsentrasi penuh pada layar Javelin di genggamannya.

ShaNareshW Fine dining @ Fullerton w/ my beloved @ErlanggaSoeyoto. I always love the way he looks when he wears his white shirt.

“Munafik lo, Dar.” Kata seseorang di sampingnya, Raksa Rahendro. “Lo sama skali nggak having fun di sini. Your previous tweet is a big lie. Apalagi baca twitnya Shanel barusan. Hahaha.”
“Sejak kapan lo jadi sok tau, Sa?” sahut Idar.
“Gue nggak perlu jadi paranormal atau mind reader buat tau apa yang ada di pikiran dan hati lo sekarang, ya nggak, Ndra?”
“Cih, pake minta dukungan dari orang yang udah fly nggak tau ke mana nyawanya gini pula. Percuma!” jawab lelaki dengan masih menggenggam Javelinnya erat-erat.
“Gue belom mabok mabok banget kok, Dar. Gue masih bisa liat dengan jelas klo lo megang BB lo seolah-olah lo mau ngancurin tu barang. Atau jangan-jangan lo nganggep BB lo tuh kepalanya si Erlangga Soeyoto?” Sahut Isandra Rahendro yang disambut anggukan Raksa.
“Brisik lo semua.”
“Hahaha..” tawa Raksa dan Andra membahana.

Changi Int Airport. Keesokan paginya.
“Kerjaan apa kerjaan? Gue kenal lo, Shan. Lo nggak mungkin ngerjain kerjaan weekend gini.” Tanya Elang.
“Senin besok gue ketemu klien. Dan gue belom nemu material yang dia mau buat desain interior butiknya. Gue harus profesional.” Jawab Shanel.
“Whatever you say. Yang jelas, Shanelya yang gue kenal lebih milih buat ngebut kerjannya pas weekday biar dia bisa weekend dengan tenang.”
“And whatever you say, Elang. Gue beneran harus pulang sekarang. Take care you here. Jangan pacaran sama MacBook mlulu.”
“Ya salah sendiri lo nggak mau jadi pacar gue. Haha. You, too. Salam buat Haidar ya.”
“Kampret! Sampein sendiri aja sono!”

Soekarno-Hatta Int. Airport. 2 jam kemudian.
“Eh, maaf!”
“Sorry sorry....”
Dua orang itu berteriak bersamaan. Dan sedetik mendongak menyadari siapa yang mereka tabrak.
“Lo ngapain di sini? Ini masih hari Sabtu kan? Weekend baru aja dimulai. Harusnya lo masih di Bali.”
“Itu harusnya jadi pertanyaan gue. Lo pernah bilang kan, Marina Bay nggak cukup dinikmati hanya dalam waktu sehari.”
“Same with Bali, right? Then what will you do here?”
“Hmmm...actually i was walking to International departure. I have a flight to Singapore.”
“Jangan bilang kalau.....”
“Awalnya gue berniat mau nemenin lo naik Singapore Flyer. Tapi....”
Ucapan Haidar terhenti ketika Shanelya mengacungkan tiket ditangannya—which is written DESTINATION: Ngurah Rai Int. Airport.
“I thought that it would be fun parasailing at Tanjung Benoa..” ucap Shanel.
“Tapi sekarang kita di Jakarta. Hmmmm...Well then. Let’s have a brunch. Disscusing the destination—our weekend destination.”
“How ‘bout Starbucks, Lion?”
“That will be nice place to have a discussion, Queen. TAXI!”
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October 14, 2010


don’t let your heart overrun your brain—make them both work in sync.

quote from sitta karina's novel is so easy to write and to read..and i thought it's easy to be done as well..

my brain yelled "it's a must", but my heart can't stop saying "if only"
my brain described it as a simple crush, but my heart feels a complicated feeling
my brain whispered "i'll be okay (without him)", but my heart shouted "SIALAAAANNNN, NGAPAIN KAMU NONGOL2 DI LIST CHAT BOX FACEBOOK-KU.....NANTANGIN BGT SIIIHHH!!!!!!"
*duuuh, blm apa2 udah sakaw nggak jelas giniiii*
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October 13, 2010

strange wonderful yet painful feeling

i'll make an ending of a hello..
i don't think -it's hard..
i don't think -i don't wanna..

i just thought -why there must be a hello...
cz now, it's such a hell to say goobye..

if only i could return the time...
if only it's not a forbidden feeling...
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October 11, 2010

One Last Dance - by Craig David

One last dance with you
even though what we have is strong
both of us know that we've done wrong
you could lose everything
need to give it up
just one last dance with you
for all the moments that we shared
all the lies they don't compare
you gotta go back to him, and I realize that
every time I see your face I know
there's a part of me that can't bear to let you go

And I would give my heart
give you the world, risk losing everything I got
i'd give it all to you
though I don't wanna stop
I know it's the right thing to do.....yeah

One last dance with you
so hard to find the words to say
but I can't see any other way
girl you've risked everything
time to give it up
just one last dance with you
and though it breaks my heart to leave
we both know it's time to let it breathe
you gotta go back to him, girl I realize that
every time I see your face I know
there's a part of me that can't bear to let you go

And I would give my heart
give you the world, risk losing everything I got
i'd give it all to you
though I don't wanna stop
I know it's the right thing to do.....yeah

So many times we tried to hold back
we been here before now girl
and it feels so cruel, yeah
a million tears won't change the fact that
I find it hard to play the game
when I feel like i'm the one to blame

But I would give my heart
give you the world, risk losing everything I got
i'd give it all to you
though I don't wanna stop
I know it's the right thing to do.....yeah

And I would give my heart
give you the world, risk losing everything I got
if I had to give you up
to make my peace with god
I know it's the right thing to do...yeah

One last dance with you.....oh yeah....oh yeah
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October 09, 2010

Celebrating the Syawalan: Capturing a Tradition

I was born and grown up in Pekalongan, Central Java. A lil town with a lot of traditiona and heritages.
One of them is Syawalan. A ceremony which is held a few days after Idul Fitri. In Kajen (my hometown), there is a 2 meters high "tumpeng-megono rice", which is paraded around the village (Linggo Asri Village) to the main stage that hes been provided.

The tumpeng is placed in the center of a yard. Then the ceremony is begun. There are some traditional dancing, and performance.

It's continued by an opening speech from the regent.

After that...

All of the villagers scattered into the "tumpeng" and scrambled to take it.

They believe that if they could get and eat it...they will be blessed..
The Tumpeng Megono is a blessed.

And these are some photos..

the colour of a parade

little miss dancers

blessings for all

trying to reach

pure smile

a cupped handful of blessing

What a unique tradition...!

See you next Idul Fitri... ^^

*Tumpeng = rice which hv a cone-shaped
*Megono= Pekalongan special food, made of a 'young' jackfruit with grated coconut, they are mixed then steamed.
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a short - simple high school crush

Pekalongan, 5 Agustus 2005...

Kalau suruh memilih antara cinta dan sayang..
aku lebih suka kata sayang..
Karena sayang itu terdengar lebih manis..
Dan aku lihat,
cinta lebih sering membuat orang menangis..

...tapi sekarang aku menangis.., apa itu berarti aku mencintainya?

--for my high school prince charming..
F.A.P --

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for my shine...

Yogyakarta, 18 Juni 2010

Dulu kamu ada. dulu kamu di sana
tanpa aku toleh. tanpa aku pastikan
aku yakin kamu di sana

lalu aku berpaling
memaksamu pergi. mengenyahkanmu
dari jangkauanku. dari pandanganku

kemudian aku menyesal
telah membakar jejakmu. memusnahkan bayanganmu

beri tau aku
ke mana ak harus mencarimu. menemukanmu
kamu hilang. kamu lenyap. kamu tak ada

apa yang harus ak lakukan?
aku bingung. aku linglung

satu yg aku yakin
aku ingin kamu
segera. sekarang. saat ini
di sini

agar kamu tau
kalau aku rindu. rindu sekali

ps: i've found him (again) right now...thank you, my shine..

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October 07, 2010

resting my body..refreshing my mind..relaxing my soul

Seems i've pushed myself too much. My body. My mind. My soul. So much things to do, and so little time i have. I felt like be chased by assignments, and my own target(s).

I've decided to take intensive lecture schedule in this 7th term, indeed. I just wanna be a woman who have a responsibily, a full-concentration mind, and not delay works anymore.

But since 2 - 3 days ago, i always slept at over 2am and only for 3 - 4 hours, cz i had to attend a morning class everyday.

Hmmm, and now, i've just decided to change my habit. Switching my sleeping-time. I'll try to go to bed at 11pm..then wake up at 4am.
Let's see whether it would be worked or not. :)

Yeah, so here i am..in my bed, Ylang-ylang aromatherapi, and Girlfriend magazine. No laptop, no autoCad. Such a ultra-different situation, compared with a few days ago.

Well then, good night, ppl.
Enjoy your night.

See ya.

Ps: Thanks to my internship mentor to share 'a-sleep-time-and-duration-that-make-our-body-(and soul)-feel-better' :)
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October 04, 2010

"Mukjlingan" at Pizza Hut -- featuring Faisal...

Monday, 200910

Haaahhhrgg,,finally we met after Ramadhan-month holiday.. And in the first day we went to campus, we (coincidentally) planned to have (late) lunch after Designing class.

and yeeeaaahh..there we go...7 of us...(unfortunately, Lala and Dinda couldn't join us..) + Faisal (the "tumbal"..we "used" him as a photographer to capture us)

Here our photos.

7 of us
Ki-ka: Yayah, Astri, Rizka, Tifa, Alin, Mayang, Ukie a.k.a meeeee!

Minuman kita bertujuh (kecuali Yayah)

The "blue ocean" spiller... (si Penumpah Minuman--bikin heboooh)

Si mata separo...


me and Faisal...the 'Tumbal'..

Let's get lunch together..again!!!

*mukjlingan a.k.a hang out.. ;)
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i never feel like this...

...since i was in elementary school.

Full concentrate. Focus in academics. When i was a kid..i was easily concentrate. Reading text book. Learning. Practising.

Then i became a teenager. Friendship..love-life..it's......poised me.

And now, after i'd finished a part of my love story..i can feel it again. Focussing on my architecture-university-student life. I'm still doing hang out with my besties..hang out, do girls talk, shopping. But no boyfie. No love-life. Maybe i'll find or look for someone in a couple of months later.. Just not now.

My thesis.
My internship (report).
My assignments.
They are my boyfriend(s) now.

My family.
My friends.
They are my motivators

My camera.
My playlist.
They are my distraction.

is a controller.
When i hv to in control. Or loose control.
When i hv to be focus. Or to be insane.
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October 03, 2010

climbing Borobudur...

Sabtu, 021010

Aku, Bunga, Kiky n Wita..mengalami petualangan ke Borobudur buat cari materi buat ngerjain tugas Sejarah (aku ngulang! Sial!). Dimulai dari jam 8..kita berangkat..cuaca mendung. Doh! takut ujan kita..nggak lucu kan motret relief sambil ujan2an. Taunya sampe sana panasnya naudzubillah..

Ya Allah..bajuku basahnya kayak abis nge gym!

Jepret jepret...smp jam 12an kita di sana..motret dinding Rupadathu 2 (dan motret diri sendiri..)
Trus kita pulang...menyusuri jalan (yang kita pikir) sama kayak waktu brangkat.. Ngobrol..hahahihi.. Tau tau..



dapet rumus dr mana? Astagaaaa!

Puter balik lah kita...parah abis!

Negitu smp di Jalan Raya Magelang- Jogja..eh ujan..hhmmm,,ya..kita nikmatilah ujan itu..

Ternyata eh ternyata, nyampe jogja kering, sodara2..

KERING DAN MACET! Kita nyempe ringroad makan di phuket dan memandangi maceetnya ring road..mreka bertiga (bunga, Kiky, wita) terpana..aku sih udah biasa..org biasa naek mobil dan emang akhir2 ini jogja slalu macet..

Tp parahnya..di perempatan Ring Road-Jalan Kaliurang..kita nggak boleh belok ke Jalan kaliurang..bablas lah kita..smp Gejayan..baru ke kampus..nganterin mereka bertiga..

Pulangnya? sama parahnya..40 menit dr kampus ke rumah..pegel!

then teparrrrr!

NB: dan inilah foto2 kitaaa...

Anak2 09 yang masya Allah garingnyaaa.. (apalagi yang tengah)

Ki-ka: Wita, aku, Kiky, Bunga

Breathtaking scenery from Rupadathu 2, Borobudur

Priyo. Satu2nya pria yang ikut ke Borobudur...yang motret kita berempat..untungnya...

and meeeee... :)

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